2016 Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally Seeding
2016 Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally Seeding
2016 Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally Seeding
Latest Wexford Motor Club Championship Points Table Last Update – GSMC Baltinglass Mini Stages Rally updated-club-championship-2016-_-after-baltinglass
Given the number of Wexford competitors in Rallies (and rally sprints) across the country and beyond, Wexford Motor Club will be publishing a monthly round up to acknowledge these competitors and their achievements. In our first round up, we are taking a look back at November 2021. While there were not many events, we still…
Scallan behind the wheel for 2023 Wexford Volkswagen Stages RallyWexford Motor Club last week announced the appointment of the Clerk of the Course for the Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally 2023. This year, Graham Scallan will take the reins of the County’s biggest sporting event to be held on September 8th to 10th. Graham is certainly…
Our annual AGM will take place on 10th November @ 9pm in The Riverbank House Hotel. Nomination forms will be available early next week.
Motorsport Ireland Bulletin 15/10/2015. http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=bae93b98ee35ba7575e11eb62&id=9dba8fdb94&e=9ec6d9964e
Results from our 2 day Sprint, which was round 5&6 of The Naylor Engineering National Hillclimb Championship 2015. Saturday: Wexford 10th October 2015 Sunday: Wexford 11th October 2015