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Media Marshals Bib 2015
This is a picture of the New Media Marshals Bib 2015
Wood extends the lead on SS11
Having lost a few seconds on the first test of the morning, Steve Wood has done what he does best, put the pedal to the metal. Where Meirion Evans took 2.1″ advantage on SS10, Wood paid him back in heaps by taking just under 13″ back from the younger Welshman on the first trio through…
Auto Cross Launch
Great turn out at our Autocross Launch in Conways Pub Kildavin on Saturday the 25th of July 2015 . The Autocross is on the 16th of August. We will be having charity buckets out for Carlow & Bunclody Home Care Centre’s on the day. We would like to thank everyone who brought cars and came…
Stafford loses the lead after an off near the end of SS13
Here are the times we have so far from the cars as they come out of the second pass through the Murrintown stage. Firstly you will see the difference in times between James Stafford and Daniel Cronin. As we reckoned previously, we think Stafford lost anything from 60-70″ in whatever happened to him very close…
Cronin turns the tide in his favour
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