Latest Wexford Motor Club Championship Points Table
Latest Wexford Motor Club Championship Points Table
Last Update – GSMC Baltinglass Mini Stages Rally
Latest Wexford Motor Club Championship Points Table
Last Update – GSMC Baltinglass Mini Stages Rally
We have more times in now and seem to be able to sort out drivers going missing etc. Richard Moore has appeared back on the timesheet, as has Liam Howlett, albeit way down the field. Most of the field have been given a nominal time after the stoppage on SS9, but Howlett seems to be…
Using a mixture of what is coming up on our results screen and the live feed from Leo Nulty on the stage, we think it is tied at the top with half the rally done, and half to go. Josh Moffett has done a 5’57” on SS3 , with Meirion Evans posting a 6’03”. Here…
2016 Insurance rates are going to drive up Entry fee prices. Please see details attached 2016 Insurance
Graham Scallan Chairman Club Statement 2016
2017 will see our Hillclimb back in Carrig On Bannow for Round 3 & 4 of The Naylor Engineering National Irish Hillcimb Championship. Regs available here: Wexford-Motorclubs-Hillclimb-Regs-2017 Entry Form available here: Wexford-Motorclubs- Hill-entry-form-2017 Video of the hill below: ————————————————————————————-