Sprint Final Instruction
Final Instruction 18/05/2016 – Sprint Final Instruction.1-2016
Final Instruction 18/05/2016 – Sprint Final Instruction.1-2016
Steve Wood has all but won the Wexford Volkswagon stages rally barring some accident or breakdown. His lead is now 46″ from Ian Barrett who has told us coming into service he is more than welcome to hold on to what he has, a nice place on the podium and some nice trophies. the battle…
Paddy McVeigh holds a 18 second over night lead going into day 2 of the Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally. He leads fellow Subaru driver Steve Wood, who in turn is 15 seconds advantage over Enda O’Brien. Garry Kiernan is breathing hard down the neck of O’Brien with only 2 seconds separating the two Ford Escorts…
We will be running a one day speed event on Saturday 11th of April 2015. This will run in Carrig On Bannow The entry fee is ata reduced price of ONLY €80 More details will follow soon……
Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally 2020 Press Release 18:00 hrs 10th June 2020 The arrival of Covid 19 in March resulted in the suspension of all sporting activities in Ireland including motor sport. The Irish Governments recent announcement to move to Phase 2 of the Roadmap to Recovery and the acceleration of the lifting…
Now that we have a few spare minutes, here’s a brief recap on the rally after SS3. Daniel Cronin leads the rally by 6.02 from Declan Boyle, who in turn is 2.9″ ahead of Michael Boyle, these two having swapped to the two lower podium places on SS3. Gary Kiernan seems to be making 4th…
Our one day Sprint will take place on the 9th April 2016 REGS HERE: Wexford-Motorclubs-Sprint-Regs-2016 ENTRY FORM HERE: Wexford-Motorclubs- Sprint-entry-form-2016 Bunclody will play host to the Warm Up round for the Naylor Engineering National Hillclimb & Sprint Championship on 9th April. Located near the village of Clohamon, this hillclimb has all the elements for a…