2015 Auto Cross Regs & Entry Form
2015 Auto Cross Regs & Entry Form are available to download here: 2015 Regs&Entry
2015 Auto Cross Regs & Entry Form are available to download here: 2015 Regs&Entry
Here is the clip that went out on the South East Radio sports programme tonight. It gets the thoughts of the top 6 drivers overnight, it’s not necessarily in order, we caught them as they parked up.
February Motor Sport Ireland Bulletin http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bae93b98ee35ba7575e11eb62&id=7bf58d994d&e=9ec6d9964e
The cars are now on the way out to the last loop of the day and two cars that look like that won’t be there this evening are Wesley Patterson and Leon Galvin. As of yet we don’t know if it is mechanical or structural, as soon as we find out, we will let you…
South East Stages Regs & Registration Form SES Registration Form 2017 SES Regs 2017
Latest Club Championship Points CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 _ After Imokilly
Dear All Firstly many thanks to everyone for the huge effort in spreading the word on the Safety Seminars. Attendance to date has been really good. Our final session is on Tuesday Night 31st January in the Maldron Hotel Portlaoise @ 19:30. Can I ask once again that you encourage anyone who has not yet…