Wood leads after SS2

OK folks, it seems that there were communications problems out at the end of SS1 which had more than a few confused, but these seem to be ironing themselves out toward the sharp end of things, lower down the order may take time. Just in case local fans are wondering why Liam Howlett is not showing, that may take a while to sort, but he did make it here to service in one bit. He did however suffer communication problems of his own in that the comms unit of his brand new helmet decided to not work from the moment he started SS1, a lot of shouting going on there from the sound of things!! Anyway, from what we have in so far, Steve Wood leads by 12 ” from Ian Barrett in the Fiesta, the two newer model cars seem to have the whip hand over the older but ever reliable MK2 Escorts of the like of Gary Kiernan and Wesley Patterson. Stephen McCann is keeping the two MK2s seperated in his Fiesta. Looking down the top 10 a little and Leon Galvin is showing well in 9th place, only 5″ behind Barry McKenna. As we said near the top, Liam Howlett could change the make up of what we have here, as soon as we can find out more, we’ll post it here, but for the meanwhile, here is what we have.

Provisional after SS2

Pos Car  Driver/Codriver                    Class Pos    SS1    SS2 Road   Total

  1   1  Steve Wood/Keith Moriarty             7        9:07   7:29        16:36
  2   4  Ian Barrett/Eoin O'Flaherty           7        9:13   7:35        16:48
  3   3  Gary Kiernan/Ryan Moore              14        9:28   7:36        17:04
  4   5  Stephen McCann/Damien Fleming         5   1    9:29   7:41        17:10
  5   8  Wesley Patterson/Johnny Baird        14   1    9:45   7:49        17:34
  6  12  John Bonner/Jonathan McGrath         14   2    9:49   7:51        17:40
  7 125  John Reddington/Lorcan Moore         14   3   10:01   8:00        18:01
  8  33  Barry McKenna/Macartan Kierans       13   1    9:57   8:05        18:02
  9  43  Leon Galvin/Ger Foley                13   2   10:05   8:02        18:07
 10  29  John Hade/Sharon Nolan               14   4   10:09   8:02        18:11

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