Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally 2021 – Review

Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally 2021 – Review

New Ross played host to the 2021 Wexford Volkswagen Stages Rally last weekend and what an entertaining weekend of Motorsport it turned out to be. The competitors started arriving at the Albatros Facility from early on Saturday Morning and headed out to familiarise themselves with the Shakedown and 2 Special Stages which had been set…

Evans still seems to be in the lead after SS2 Updated 11.47hrs

It seems to be that we now have times coming through and Evans is still leading but the big gain on SS2 is the defending champion, James Stafford. Evans has increased the lead to 3.3″ over Daniel Cronin with an identical difference back to Josh Moffett. James Stafford has now jumped up to 4th 20″…